Sunday, May 19, 2013

Girls Weekend

Anthony was in NYC for three days and so I always like to take it as a challenge to keep the girls as busy as possible! Friday we started out with a Swim party for Alli's 3rd birthday.  The girls had a ton of fun in the pool, eating cake, and playing on the playground.  It was easy to put them to bed that night! 
 This picture makes Kate laugh as it looks like the straw is going up her nose.  Saturday we starting the day at TBall and then headed to Swansons to get a few more plants for the pots and veggie beds.  The girls loved the chickens, fish pond, and even picked out a few things for their own pots. 

 While I planted, Kate put together goodie bags for the Tball team.  She actually worked on this for an hour and wrote GO DOGERS and put stickers on every bag! We ended the day with a 3 hour tour of the zoo (the Sloth bear cubs were awesome), hair cuts, dinner out, and to end the evening - watching Despicable Me!!!!
 Sunday we took a Metro Bus ride.  The girls love getting on the bus.  We headed to Ballard to enjoy the farmers market.  Kate bought us fresh donuts and we enjoyed apples and cheese that the girls picked out too.

 Then we walked to the locks....we saw seals, herons, off spray, fish.  The locks continue to be my favorite place in Seattle.
 Sisters at the locks!
 We ended the weekend with a wonderful "treasure hunt" for Ethan's birthday. The girls loved the hunt through the park with Pirate Captain Erin and digging up up the treasure box by the creak.   Plus a wonderful evening at Ethan's with cake and More play!
 Finding the treasure box!!!
 I took tons of pictures this weekend and Ella's Eyes are closed in them all....but I love how pretty this creak bed is.
 I took these for the girls so they could see their face paintings but I love having a more close up of them
 So serious.....
Looking forward to our next big girls weekend.

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