Saturday, November 23, 2013

Halloween 2013

We always have a great time during Halloween.  We tried some new new carving options that turned out pretty good. 

 The girls always enjoy the pumpkin bash at the Zoo and getting some special treats!  If you can't was a cheerleader year.

 Kate's school  has a pumpkin carving night and at the end of the night they put them all up on the stage and turn the ligths out. The pictures don't show how cool it looks.

 Halloween night: We did trick or treating at the stores in Wedgwood and then headed out for 2 hours with friends. We got a ton of candy and had a lot of fun,

 Just a funny picture of Ella. She picked out this outfit one day to be a good Hawk fan.
 Anthony and I got to go to Charleston SC for one of his work trips.  We had a great day exploring Charleston and then got to head out to Kiawah Island for his conference. 

 Ellas dance class this year.
 Ella got to hang out with Kate in her class room for a party and had so much fun.
 Playing cards when you loose power.

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